Rancho Santa Fe Dinosaurs and Behemoth Nonprofit Arts Organizations

Washington Post reported that some uber-wealthy Rancho Santa Fe, California dinosaurs refuse to conserve water in the worst drought in California history.  Consumption there is up 9% (the only area in California increasing consumption), because, as one resident put it:  “We should not be forced to live on property with brown lawns, golf on brown courses or apologize for wanting our gardens to be beautiful.”

Why?  See below for the answer to “Why do dogs lick their genitalia?”

The nonprofit arts industry deserves support.  No question.  “Arts and culture policies and programs increase economic development in states by attracting businesses, creating new jobs, increasing tax revenues and promoting tourism.”  National Conference of State Legislatures

But when “Indominus rex” institutions drink up inordinate percentages of funding (larger than their share of the market), is it just…

“because they can?”

2 responses

  1. Doesn’t sound like these are necessarily arts charities. Arts charities don’t play golf of maintain gardens. Sounds like a bunch of rich snobs who should pay through the nose for their over-use of a common staple.


    1. John, I think you missed the point. They are using the Rancho Santo Fe folks worldview as a stand-in for the Very Large Arts Organizations refusing to acknowledge that there other smaller groups who have to draw from the same funding wells.


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